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The Arthur Bugler Local Governing Body (LGB) consists of parents, staff, and members of the local community who volunteer to provide strategic leadership to our school.

We have three key responsibilities:

  1. To provide strategic direction, working with parents, pupils, and staff, to provide a vision, ethos, and strategic direction for our school
  2. To hold the headteacher to account for the performance of the school, its pupils, and staff
  3. To ensure the finances of the school are well managed

We have high aspirations for our school and are proud of the huge improvements that have been made in the school over the last few years. We aim to be an outstanding school and strive to ensure every child in our care achieves their best, in line with the cooperative values.

All members of the LGB attend full governing body meetings, and will meet typically once each half term, but more often if required. All work of the LGB, whether carried out in committee meetings, by individual governors or working parties, will be reported back to the LGB by way of reports (written or verbal) or minutes which will be submitted as papers for the LGB meeting.

The LGB meetings alternate between Curriculum matters and Resource cover all matters relating to the education of Arthur Bugler pupils, including all aspects of student personal development behavior and welfare and all matters relating to teaching, learning, assessment, and outcomes.


Members of the LGB

Mr Anthony Cosans
Parent – 23/05/23 to 22/05/27
Chair, Leadership and Management, Performance Management (Headteacher), Safeguarding & Child Protection (Governor), Quality of Education, GDPR and Data Protection
Mr Andrew Walker
Community – 01/10/21 to 30/09/25
Vice-chair, Leadership & Management, Performance Management (Headteacher), Health & Safety, Quality of Education, Pupil Premium Grant (PPG), Trust Pay Review Committee
Mr Richard Turner
Headteacher – 01/01/23
Safer Recruitment (Designated person), Safeguarding & Child Protection (Designated person)
Miss Lisa Glandfield
Trust Appointed Community – 01/08/22 to 31/07/26
Safer Recruitment (Governor)
Mr Steve Welsh
Community – 23/05/23 to 22/05/27
SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) Covid-19 catch-up premium – use and impact
Mr Ryan Farmer
Community – 23/05/23 - 22/05/27
Mrs Laura Martin
Parent – 23/05/23 to 22/05/27
Mr Chris Armstrong
Parent – 23/05/23 to 22/05/27
Mrs Shirley Apenteng
Parent - 25/06/24 - 24/06/28
Mrs Karen Calder
Staff - 20/11/21 - 19/11/25
Mrs Charlotte Smith
Staff - 18/09/24 - 17/09/28

Admissions Committee Members

Mr Ryan Farmer
Mr Richard Turner

Governor Documentation

Contact us

If you have any queries or feedback for the Chair of Governors, please either telephone or email the school office, or send a letter to the following address:

Att: The Chair of Governors,
Arthur Bugler Primary School,
St James' Avenue East,
SS17 7BQ

Interested in becoming a governor?

If you are interested in becoming a governor please read Be a governor at Arthur Bugler.

If you require a paper copy of any of the documents on our website please contact the school office.